he story centers around the popular high school boy Masamune Asuka, the top kendo fighter in the nation. However, beneath his cool exterior, he is actually fond of sweets and shojo manga, and is skilled in sewing and cooking. When he instantly falls for the transfer student Miyakozuka Ryo, his secret is in danger of being exposed.
* Okada Masaki as Masamune Asuka
o Takatsuki Sara (高月彩良) as young Asuka
* Kaho as Miyakozuka Ryo
o Hinata Nanami as young Ryo
* Kimura Ryo as Tonomine Hajime
* Seto Koji as Ariake Yamato
* Sano Kazuma as Tachibana Juta
* Kiritani Mirei as Oharida Miyabi
* Ichikawa Tomohiro (市川知宏) as Kurokawa Kitora
* Takei Emi as Tachibana Toshiko
* Yanagihara Kanako as Hanazawa Yumeko
* Takada Nobuhiko (高田延彦) as Ryo's father
* Tsurumi Shingo as Asuka's father
* Yamamoto Mirai as Asuka's mother
* Title: オトメン(乙男)
* Title (romaji): Otomen
* Format: Renzoku
* Genre: Romance, comedy
* Broadcast network: Fuji TV
* Broadcast period: 2009-Aug-01 start
* Air time: Saturday 23:00 (ep 1-8), Tuesday 21:00 (ep 9-end)
* Theme song: lover soul by Shibasaki Kou
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