Tsukumo Ryusuke is a quirky, yet brilliant neuroscientist working for the National Research Institute of Police Science. Wielding a unique perspective and psychology, Tsukumo tackles the nation's most baffling crimes and scandals, going head-to-head with the most brilliant and twisted criminal minds. But his eccentricities and poor social timing can also aggravate people and circumstances, further complicating matters.
* Kimura Takuya as Tsukumo Ryusuke
* Ayase Haruka as Yuri Kazune
* Mizushima Hiro as Hayashida Toranosuke
* Hiraizumi Sei as Funaki Junpei
* Shitara Osamu as Kanda Junichi
* Yamazaki Shigenori as Ochi Koichi
* SHIHO as Mariko
* Title: MR. BRAIN
* Format: Renzoku
* Genre: Comedy, mystery
* Episodes: 8
* Viewership rating: 20.0 (Kanto)
* Broadcast network: TBS
* Broadcast period: 2009-May-23 to 2009-Jul-11
* Air time: Saturday 20:00
* Theme song: JUMP by Van Halen
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