The story revolves around a young woman named Mei, who was rescued as a young girl by someone calling himself her "butler." With only a vague memory, though, the experience seems like just a dream. But one day, after her parents' accidental death, he appears: Rihito comes from a line of outstanding butlers, and he has been appointed to serve her! Now her ordinary life has completely flipped, as she discovers that she's actually the heiress to a fortune, and is forced to transfer to St. Lucia Girls' Academy, where all the students have butlers! As a result, her childhood friend Kento decides to enroll in a butler school so that he can stay close to her.
* Eikura Nana as Shinonome Mei (M)
* Mizushima Hiro as Shibata Rihito (B)
* Tanimura Mitsuki as Yamada Tami (M)
* Abe Shinnosuke (阿部進之介) as Kanda (B)
- Title: メイちゃんの執事
- Title (romaji): Mei-chan no Shitsuji
- Also known as: Mei-chan's Butler
- Format: Renzoku
- Genre: Romance, comedy
- Episodes: 10
- Viewership rating: 14.0 (Kanto)
- Broadcast network: Fuji TV
- Broadcast period: 2009-Jan-13 to 2009-Mar-17
- Air time: Tuesday 21:00
- Theme song: My SunShine by ROCK`A´TRENCH
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